MAMSA hereby invites interested and experienced service providers to participate in a Request for Proposal (RFP) process for a Grants Administration Service, for the project Company’s Socio-Economic and Enterprise Development programmes (Community Driven Projects).
The Perdekraal East and Kangnas Wind Farms, seek the services of a suitably experienced and qualified Service Provider who can make provision of a comprehensive payment and administration service for a period of up to three (3) years, renewable annually to pay Enterprise Development and Socio-Economic Development funding Grantees engaged in funding programmes of the Project Company within the communities as stated below.
The service is required for two (2) of MAMSA’s operational wind farms.
Tenderers may elect to submit proposals for all two (2) projects/wind farms, or any project they might be interested in.
Project Companies:
RFP documents can be requested by email from: Joshall Klasse at joshall.klasse@mainstreamrp.com / Shannon Lombard at shannon.lombaard@mainstreamrp.com
Bidding documents will be issued from 09 May 2022 to 18 May 2022
Closing date for RFP submissions: Wednesday 18 May 2022, at 16h00.