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Kangnas Windplaas nooi 2022 Matriekulante vanuit Bergsig,Vaalwater, Concordia, Nababeep, Fontyntjie, Carolusberg, Matjieskloof, Springbok en Okiep wie nie verder kon studeer om die kantoor te kom besoek Vrydag 10 Maart 2023 om 12:00 namiddag, indien hul belangsel daaraan om vaardighede aan te leer, vir verdere persoonlike ontwikkeling, navorsing oor loopbaan keuses
Februarie 2023. ‘n Oorhandiging van ‘n Akwaponiese stelsel aan die Namaqua Child and Youth Care Centre het onlangs plaasgevind as deel van ‘n Eko-skool-inisiatief. Benewens die verbetering van voedselsekerheid, is hierdie inisiatief ook ontwerp om vaardighede te ontwikkel, met 14 deelnemers wat geakkrediteerde gevorderde opleiding deur die implementering daarvan ontvang.
8 March 2022. The Namakwa Sports Council (NSC), which represents the sports federations in the Namakwa District Municipality, received a much needed vehicle to provide transportation across this sporting district. Funded by Kangnas Wind Farm, the donation is in support of the local sports in the Nababeep community. “We see
Oktober 2020. Kangnas Wind Farm wil die stigting van die Kangnas Trust vir Hernubare Energiesake finaliseer deur ‘n Raad van Trustees te kies. Belangstellende en kwalifiserende lede van die gemeenskap kan aansoek doen om die rol van Trustee. Navrae en vrae: middagete op Donderdag 22 Oktober 2020 (per e-pos of
October 2020. Kangnas Wind Farm is looking to finalise the establishment of the Kangnas Renewable Energy Community Trust by selecting a Board of Trustees. Interested and qualifying community members can apply for the role of Trustee. Queries and Questions: lunchtime on Thursday 22nd October 2020 (via email or whatsapp) Nomination
May 2020 Veronice Cloete, a local Concordia resident, believes so strongly that she can make a difference in the lives of young children that she has moved heaven and earth to study, so that she can qualify as an Early Childhood Development (ECD) practitioner and start working in her community.
March 2020 Following the successful CHANGEMAKER workshops, Kangnas Wind Farm is inviting community heroes back for a second session. Read more here:  Kangnas_Follow up Workshop
Maart 2020 Altesaam 264 leerlinge van Hoërskool Namakwaland het pret gehad toe hulle onlangs meer oor windenergie en ander vorms van hernubare energie geleer het. Dit is deel van die Kangnas-Windkragaanleg se skoleprogram. Die program help om bewustheid te skep en leerlinge aan die basiese beginsels van hernubare energie bekend
MARCH 2020 264 learners from High School Namaqualand had fun learning about wind energy and other renewable energy forms. This is part of Kangnas Wind Farm’s school roadshow. The programme drives awareness and is aimed at exposing learners to the basics of renewable energy. It is reported that the learners
Watch the Kangnas Wind Farm construction and community story produced by Kyknet for their KLOP show. It’s a wonderful showcase about how this Northern Cape wind farm is being proudly built by the people of Namakwaland Cick here to view:
November 2019 Die Kangnas-windkragaanleg, wat tans gebou word, het ‘n bewusmakingsveldtog by sekondêre skole van stapel gestuur om leerlinge aan die basiese beginsels van hernubare energie bekend te stel. Die veldtog leer honderde hoërskoolleerlinge oor die opwekking van skoon energie en werksgeleenthede in die hernubare energie bedryf. Die doelwitte van
November 2019 Kangnas Wind Farm, which is currently under construction, has launched a secondary school awareness programme, aimed at exposing learners to the basics of renewable energy. The programme targets hundreds of high school learners to not only provide information about producing clean power, but also to let the youth
August 2019 The 140MW Kangnas Wind Farm, which is currently under construction, will be one of South Africa’s largest wind farms when complete. Situated in the Northern Cape, in the North West corner of South Africa, the terrain is typical of the Springbok Flats Karoo Basin, with a rocky underlay
August 2019 Die Kangnas-windkragaanleg sal wanneer dit voltooi is ’n opwekkingskapsiteit van 140 MW hê en een van Suid-Afrika se grootste windkragaanlegte wees. Die windkragaanleg is in die Noord-Kaap, in die noordwestelike hoek van Suid-Afrika, geleë. Die terrein rondom die windkragaanleg is tipies van die Springbok-vlakte en die Karoo-vanggebied. Die
July 2019 Working together with local Ward Councillors and community members, Kangnas Wind Farm’s team celebrated Mandela Day by hosting soup kitchens across six communities. These soup kitchens were an example of how collaboration in the spirit of Madeba, can benefit many. Community members from Nababeep, Springbok, Concordia, Matjieskloof, Bergsig,
Julie 2019 Die Kangnas-windkragaanleg het ’n helpende hand aan Noord-Kaapse boere in die Springbok-omgewing verleen wat nadelig deur die voortdurende droogte in die steek geraak word. Die windkragaanleg het befondsing vir droogteverligtingshulp aan skaap- en veeboere beskikbaar gestel. Talle boere in die omgewing is weens ’n wesenlike afname in reënval
July 2019 Northern Cape farmers, who have been adversely affected by the ongoing regional drought, have received funding from by the neighbouring Springbok wind farm, Kangnas Wind Farm. The wind farm has provided drought relief assistance to sheep and cattle farmers, who are failing to feed their herds, following the
June 2019 Kangnas Wind Farm has provided support to the Concordia Old Age Centre in Springbok, to help establish a dedicated reading area for its elderly citizens. The team working on Kangnas Wind Farm, one of the country’s newest Northern Cape wind farms currently under construction, have taken up this
May 2019 Transportation of both Kangnas Wind Farm and Perdekraal East Wind Farm’s turbine tower sections have commenced, making their way from the West Coast’s Port of Saldanha and Atlantis. These two giant projects will be connected to the country’s national grid by August 2020, forming part of the government’s
January 2019. Kangnas Wind Farm announced the successful completion of its first foundation, which boasts a massive carbon footprint saving. Kangnas Wind Farm poured the first of its foundations on 23 November 2018, followed by a 28-day strength test to ensure that the foundations achieved the required design strengths. The
November 2018 Wind energy does not require water for its generation, however, it does need a moderate amount during the construction phase. Despite it being a relatively negligible amount, the conservation of this rare resource, especially as Kangnas Wind Farm is situated within Namaqualand, is managed by the onsite Environmental