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Here are the headlines from our May newsletter: Resources to Empower Teachers and Learners New Clinic Signage for Local Communities Promoting Unity through Sports Click HERE for the Newsletter
Oktober 2024. Sport speel ‘n deurslaggewende rol in die bevordering van gesonde leefstyle, die aanmoediging van fisieke aktiwiteite en die bou van noodsaaklike vaardighede onder jeugdiges en volwassenes. Met dit in gedagte het Kangnas-windkragaanleg met trots met die Namakwa Sportraad saamgewerk om ‘n reeks opwindende rugby- en netbaltoernooie wat onlangs
October 2024. Sports play a crucial role in promoting healthy lifestyles, encouraging physical activity, and building essential skills among youths and adults. With this in mind, Kangnas Wind Farm proudly partnered with the Namakwa Sports Council to sponsor a series of exciting rugby and netball tournaments held across the Namakwa
Oktober 2024. Deur ‘n tegnologie-ryke leeromgewing te skep, het Laerskool Concordia in Springbok aansienlike vordering gemaak om die gehalte van onderwys vir hul leerders te verbeter. Met befondsing van Kangnas-windkragaanleg se ABCD (Asset-Based Community Development)-toekenning, het die skool twee interaktiewe witborde in sleutelklaskamers geïnstalleer, wat die opvoedkundige ervaring verander en
October 2024. Creating a technology-rich learning environment, Concordia Primary School in Springbok has made significant strides in enhancing the quality of education for its learners. With funding from Kangnas Wind Farm’s ABCD (Asset-Based Community Development) Grant, the school installed two interactive whiteboards in key classrooms, transforming the educational experience and
Augustus 2024. Met die doel om te inspireer en in te lig, is ‘n Loopbaanopedag onlangs in Springbok gehou vir Graad 12-leerders om opvoedkundige geleenthede en ondersteuning te verken. Befonds deur Kangnas-windkragaanleg, het die geleentheid byna 100 studente van die omliggende plaaslike gemeenskappe bymekaargemaak. Die doel van die geleentheid was
August 2024. Aimed at inspiring and informing, a Career Open Day was recently held in Springbok for Grade 12 learners to explore educational opportunities and support. Funded by Kangnas Wind Farm, the event gathered nearly 100 students from the surrounding local communities. The purpose of the event was to provide
Julie 2024. Ter erkenning van die noodsaaklike rol wat gesondheidsorgwerkers speel, het Mandeladag-vieringe ‘n welstandsdag ingesluit om diegene te vereer wat soveel bydra tot die gemeenskap se welstand. Kangnas-windkragaanleg het hierdie spesiale geleentheid aangebied om die Springbok-gemeenskap se plaaslike helde te vereer, wat die belangrikheid van gesondheidsorgwerkers demonstreer wat hulself
July 2024. In recognition of the vital role healthcare workers play, Mandela Day celebrations included a wellness day to honour those who contribute so much to the community’s well-being. Kangnas Wind Farm hosted this special event to honour the Springbok community’s local heroes, demonstrating the importance of healthcare workers who
Junie 2024. Ter viering van Globale Winddag vanjaar is ‘n kompetisie by Okiep Country Hotel gehou, wat Graad 9-leerders van regoor vyf hoërskole in Namakwaland betrek het. Die geleentheid, wat elke jaar wêreldwyd op 15 Junie waargeneem is, het hierdie leerders bymekaar gebring om werkende turbinemodelle te bou, met die
June 2024. In celebration of Global Wind Day this year, a competition was held at Okiep Country Hotel, engaging Grade 9 learners from across five high schools in Namaqualand. Observed worldwide on 15 June each year, the event brought these learners together to build working turbine models, aiming to ignite
Mei 2024. Om gehalte-onderwys te bevorder deur plaaslike skole binne Namakwaland te ondersteun met infrastruktuur-opgraderings en instandhouding, het ‘n plaaslike windkragaanleg met Laerskool Dr Izak Van Niekerk saamgewerk om ‘n veeldoelige skoolsaal te bou. Hierdie saal sal dien as ‘n ruimte vir verskeie skool- en gemeenskapsaktiwiteite, insluitend skoolbyeenkomste, fondsinsamelingsgeleenthede en
May 2024. To promote quality education by supporting local schools within Namaqualand with infrastructure upgrades and maintenance, a local wind farm partnered with Dr Izak Van Niekerk Primary School to build a multipurpose school hall. This hall will serve as a space for various school and community activities, including school
Here are the headlines from our May newsletter: Nurturing Local Talent Local SMME Celebrates Two Years of Growth Shaping Tomorrow’s Leaders Click HERE for the Newsletter
April 2024. Twee jaar later staan die Namaqua-dataversamelaars en -verwerkers KMMO as ‘n bewys van volhoubare ontwikkeling in Springbok, wat gegroei het van ‘n inisiatief wat vyf plaaslike vroue bevoordeel het tot ‘n florerende, volhoubare besigheid. Hierdie suksesverhaal, wat voortspruit uit ‘n ontwikkelingsprogram wat daarop gemik is om sosio-ekonomiese groei
April 2024. Two years on, the Namaqua Data Collectors & Processors SMME stands as a testament to sustainable development in Springbok, having grown from an initiative that benefitted five local women into a thriving, sustainable business. This success story, emerging from a development programme aimed at fostering socio-economic growth, showcases
Maart 2024. Tyreeq Engelbrecht, van Springbok, maak vordering in die hernubare energiesektor deur ‘n internskap by Kangnas-windkragaanleg. Hierdie geleentheid is deel van ‘n breër inisiatief om vaardighede te ontwikkel, noodsaaklik vir die groeiende hernubare energiebedryf en nasionale ekonomiese vooruitgang, terwyl plaaslike jeug ontwikkel. Tyreeq, ‘n uitblinker van die windplaas se
March 2024. Tyreeq Engelbrecht, from Springbok, is making strides in the renewable energy sector through an internship at Kangnas Wind Farm. This opportunity is part of a broader initiative to develop skills, essential for the growing renewable energy industry and national economic advancement, whilst developing local youth. Tyreeq, a standout
Februarie 2024. In ‘n opregte vertoning van kollektiewe gemeenskapsondersteuning het leerders van regoor 11 laerskole in Namakwaland onlangs ‘n broodnodige hupstoot vir die nuwe skooljaar gekry deur ‘n terug-skool-toe-inisiatief. Hierdie inisiatief, wat vroeër hierdie maand gehou is, het verseker dat meer as 100 jong leerders in nood toegerus is met
February 2024. In a heartfelt display of collective community support, learners from across 11 primary schools in Namaqualand recently received a much-needed boost for the new school year through a back-to-school initiative. Held earlier this month, this initiative ensured that more than 100 young learners in need are equipped with
Januarie 2024. Steps for Christ, ‘n plaaslike nie-winsgewende organisasie gebaseer in Namakwaland, Springbok, behaal noemenswaardige vooruitgang in die omvattende ontwikkeling van die jeug in die streek. Toegewyd om positiewe waardes in die gemeenskap se jong individue te vestig, poog die organisasie om hulle te lei om ingeligte lewenskeuses te maak,
January 2024. Steps for Christ, a local non-profit organisation based in Namaqualand, Springbok, is achieving notable advancements in the comprehensive development of youth in the region. Dedicated to instilling positive values in the community’s young individuals, the organisation aims to guide them towards making informed life choices, resisting involvement in
Oktober 2023. Toegang tot plaaslike ontwikkelingsbefondsing, beskikbaar gestel deur middel van ‘n gemeenskapstimuleringsprogram, het sewe klein besighede in Springbok, en die omliggende gebiede, in hierdie rondte van befondsing gehelp om meer volhoubaar te word, hul bedrywighede uit te brei en selfs meer werksgeleenthede aan ander te bied. Vent General Youth
October 2023. Access to local development funding, made available through a community stimulation programme has helped seven small businesses in Springbok, and the surrounding areas, in this round of funding to become more sustainable, expand their operations and even offer more employment opportunities to others. Vent General Youth Development, a
September 2023. Met die erkenning van die noodsaaklike rol van vroulike gesondheidswerkers en hul behoefte aan ondersteuning in die bereiking van ‘n beter werk-lewe-balans, en selfversorgingsvaardighede, is ‘n Vrouewelstandgeleentheid onlangs gehou. Toegewyd aan die eer en ondersteuning van gesondheidswerkers binne gemeenskappe in Namakwaland, het die program gehelp om moraal te
September 2023. Recognising the vital role of female health workers and their need for support in achieving a better work-life balance, and self-care skills, a Woman’s Wellness Event was recently held. Dedicated to honouring and supporting health workers within communities in Namaqualand, the programme helped to increase morale and enhance
September 2023. In ‘n toegewyde poging om gemeenskapsgedrewe ontwikkeling te bevorder en die welstand van die dorpe binne die Nama Khoi Munisipale area te bevorder, is ‘n reeks werkswinkels wat naby 100 deelnemers getrek het, onlangs aangebied. Die primêre doel van hierdie werkswinkels was om met gemeenskapslede saam te werk
September 2023. In a dedicated effort to foster community-driven development and enhance the well-being of the towns within the Nama Khoi Municipal area, a series of workshops that drew close on 100 participants, were recently conducted. The primary goal of these workshops was to collaborate with community members to identify
Here are the headlines from our August newsletter: Beyond Matric Programme Supporting the 5 000 hectare Protected Area of Oranjefontein. Help Matriculants to their Dance!   Click here for the Newsletter
Julie 2023. ’n Gemeenskapsondersteuningsprojek wat daarop gemik is om die infrastruktuur en algehele leeromgewing by Laerskool Carolusberg, in Springbok te verbeter, het suksesvol voltooiing bereik. Die projek, wat in 2022 begin het, het belangrike instandhoudingswerk en infrastruktuuropgraderings ingesluit om gesondheid en veiligheid binne die skoolperseel te bevorder. “Met erkenning van
July 2023. A community support project aimed at enhancing the infrastructure and overall learning environment at Carolusberg Primary School, in Springbok, has successfully reached completion. The project, which commenced in 2022, included crucial maintenance work and infrastructure upgrades to promote health and safety within the school premises. “Recognizing the role
Junie 2023. Vyftien jongmense van Springbok, wat deel vorm van die Beyond Matric-program, het aan ‘n driedaagse geleentheid deelgeneem. Die herdenkingsgeleentheid het afgeskop met ‘n uitstappie na die nabygeleë Kangnas-windkragaanleg, wat op 16 Junie 2023 uitgeloop het op ‘n Jeugdaggeleentheid, gekenmerk deur lewendige speletjies, gehou by die Springbok-sportterrein, in samewerking
June 2023. Fifteen young people from Springbok, who form part of the Beyond Matric Programme, took part in a three-day event. The commemorative occasion kicked off with a trip to the nearby Kangnas Wind Farm, culminating in a Youth Day event, on 16 June 2023, marked by spirited games, held
Junie 2023. Terwyl duisende mense regoor die wêreld betrokke is by die produsering van energie vanaf die wind, bly windenergie vir baie nogsteeds ‘n raaisel. Dus, ter viering van Globale Winddag (15 Junie 2023), wil Kangnas-windkragaanleg graag die basiese beginsels van hoe elektrisiteit uit windturbines geproduseer word, aan gemeenskappe in
June 2023. Whilst thousands of people across the globe are involved in the harnessing of energy from the wind, for many, wind energy remains a mystery. So, in celebration of Global Wind Day (15 June 2023), Kangnas Wind Farm would like to explain to communities, in and around the Northern
Mei 2023. Karla Cloete (39), ‘n Springbok-plaaslike, het twee jaar gelede by die Kangnas-windkragaanleg aangesluit as die nuwe Junior Gesondheid, Veiligheid- en Omgewingsbeampte (HSE) en help Brenda Sidaki, aanlegbestuurder, om die veiligheid van die arbeidsmag te prioritiseer en die impak van hierdie energiefasiliteit op die omgewing te verseker en te
May 2023. Karla Cloete (39), a Springbok local, joined the Kangnas Wind Farm two years ago as the new Junior Health Safety and Environment (HSE) Officer and is assisting Brenda Sidaki, Plant Manager, to prioritise and ensure the safety of its workforce and minimising the impact of this energy facility
Maart 2023. ’n Dwelmmisbruikgeleentheid, wat daarop gemik is om die misbruik van alkohol en dwelms onder jongmense in die Springbok-omgewing te ontmoedig, het onlangs (24 Maart 2023) by die Springbok-sportterrein plaasgevind. Die veldtog het gefokus op bewusmaking deur middel van ‘n gemeenskapsgerigte onderwysintervensie, om die aandag te vestig op die
March 2023. A substance abuse event, aimed at discouraging the abuse of alcohol and drugs among young people in the Springbok area, recently took place (24 March 2023) at the Springbok Sports Ground. The campaign focused on raising awareness through a community-focussed education intervention, to draw attention to the negative
Maart 2023. Saam met die Distriksmunisipaliteit en ander belanghebbendes het Kangnas-windkragaanleg, befondsers van ‘n plaaslike beursprogram, bymekaargekom vir ‘n ontmoeting en groetgeleentheid met ‘n groep van 11 begunstigde studente. Saam met die Distriksmunisipaliteit en ander belanghebbendes beoog Kangnas-windkragaanleg om die program verder as die aanvanklik beoogde jare van tersiêre befondsing
March 2023. Together with the District Municipality and other stakeholders, Kangnas Wind Farm, funders of a local bursary programme, gathered for a meet and greet event with a cohort of 11 beneficiary students. Together with the District Municipality and other stakeholders, Kangnas Windfarm aims to extended the programme beyond the
February 2023. A handover of an Aquaponics system to the Namaqua Child and Youth Care Centre took place recently as part of an Eco-School initiative. In addition to enhancing food security, this initiative is also designed to develop skills, with 14 participants receiving accredited advanced training through its implementation. Although
The South Africa Wind Energy Association (SAWEA) in partnership with Kangnas Wind Farm, is excited to announce that Wind Industry Internship Programme (WIIP) will be running for the second time in 2023. WIIP first launched in 2022 January, where 15 interns were placed and mentored by SAWEA member organisations for
Februarie 2023. Met finansiële en mentorskap kon ‘n Matjieskloof-gemeenskapslid, mev Wendy Hendricks, ‘n wasserybesigheid, wat plaaslike werk en dienste aan hierdie klein dorpie en omliggende gemeenskappe verskaf, toerus en laat groei. Nadat sy vir ‘n jaar ‘n gaping in die plaaslike wasgoedmark geïdentifiseer het, het hierdie entrepreneur Wendy’s Laundry gestig,
February 2023. With financial and mentoring assistance, a Matjieskloof community member, Mrs Wendy Hendricks has been able to equip and grow a laundry business that provides local employment and services to this small town and surrounding communities. It is hoped that the business will be able to expand enough to
November 2022. Meer as 30 jong sake-eienaars het ‘n Entrepreneursdaggeleentheid bygewoon, wat gefokus het op die ontwikkeling en volhoubaarheid van klein besighede van, in en om die Springbok-omgewing. Hierdie geleentheid, wat op 14 Oktober 2022 by die Springbok-sportterreinsaal, Noord-Kaap gehou is, is deur Kangnas-windkragaanleg befonds en vorm deel van ‘n
November 2022. More than 30 young business owners attended an Entrepreneur’s Day event, which focused on the development and sustainability of small businesses from in and around the Springbok area. Held on 14 October 2022, at the Springbok Sports Grounds Hall, Northern Cape, this event was funded by Kangnas Wind
Oktober 2022. ‘n Span jong sakevroue van die Springbok-omgewing het onlangs gegradueer van ‘n Monitering, Evaluering en Rapportering (ME&R) Opleidingsprogram. Hierdie vroue het voortgegaan om hul eie besigheid te stig, Namaqua Data-versamelaars en -verwerkers, wat navorsing, datavaslegging, monitering, evaluering en verslagdoening oor gemeenskapsprojekte in die Namakwaland-streek verskaf. “Ons wil positiewe,
October 2022. A team of young businesswomen from the Springbok area recently graduated from a Monitoring, Evaluating, and Reporting (ME&R) Training Programme. These women have gone on to found a business of their own, Namaqua Data Collectors and Processors, that provides research, data capturing, monitoring, evaluating, and reporting on community
Here are the headlines from our July newsletter Biodiversiteitsprojek Skep Geleentheid vir Ontwikkeling Psigososiale Ondersteuning Hoerskole Neem Deel Aan Die Winddagkompetisie Afrikaans
Kangnas Wind Farm Plant Manager, in Springbok in the Northern Cape, Brenda Sidaki, is one of a handful of women engineers heading this male dominated industry. In a recent interview with Radio NFM, she discussed why she chose this career and found herself leading this utility scale wind farm. 1.
Julie 2022. As deel van die Mandeladag-viering vanjaar is graad 3-leerders van Sacred Heart Primêre Skool en St Cypria Primêre Skool, in Nababeep, met skoolbenodighede en tuinbeginstelle toegerus. Mandeladag, wat jaarliks op 18 Julie waargeneem word, word gewy aan die eer van die nalatenskap van Nelson Mandela en is ‘n
July 2022. As part of the Mandela Day celebration this year, grade 3 learners from Sacred Heart Primary School and St Cypria Primary School, in Nababeep, were presented with school supplies and a garden starter kit. Kangnas Wind Farm Project office staff will visit these schools every third month to
Junie 2022. Leerders van reg oor die ses Springbok gemeenskapshoërskole het pret gehad om werkende model turbines te bou as deel van ‘n Wêreld Winddagkompetisie. Gevier reg oor die wereld op 15 Junie, Wêreld Wind Dag, is ‘n dag om meer te leer van wind energie asook al die moontlikhede
June 2022. Learners from across six Springbok community high schools had fun building working turbine models as part of a Global Wind Day Competition. Celebrated across the world on 15 June each year, Global Wind Day is a day to learn more about wind energy, its power, and the possibilities
Mei 2022. ‘n Totaal van agt plaaslike studente van Springbok, ‘n klein gemeenskap in die Noord-Kaap, is beurse toegeken vir die 2022 akademiese jaar. Kangnas-windkragaanleg befonds die beursprogram, wat ‘n totaal van 12 studente in die omgewing ondersteun, met die oog om jong leiers te huisves en positiewe sosiale veranderinge
May 2022. A total of eight local students from Springbok, a small community in the Northern Cape, have been awarded bursaries for the 2022 academic year. To foster young leaders and encourage positive social change, Kangnas Wind Farm funded this bursary programme, which sponsors a total of 12 students in
April 2022. An ecological agreement between the Department of Agriculture, Environmental Affairs, Rural Development & Land Reform and Kangnas Wind Farm, in the Northern Cape, has been designed to compensate for any biodiversity impact and prioritise conservation. This long term agreement improves viability of biodiversity and its associated habitats, by
20 April 2022. ’n Ekologiese en biodiversiteitsprojek is van stapel gestuur om ’n uitgebreide stuk grond naby die groter Goegap-natuurreservaat (GNR) in die omgewing van Springbok te beskerm. Die biodiversiteitsprojek bied ook die geleentheid vir ekonomiese ontwikkeling. Die program sal tot die opheffing van die plaaslike gemeenskap bydra deur entrepreneuriese
20 April 2022. An ecological and biodiversity programme, which aims to protect an extensive tract of land that extends to the greater Goegap Nature Reserve (GNR), near Springbok, has been established.  This programme is also contributing to the upliftment of the local community through entrepreneurial development, employment, skills and capacity
8 Maart 2022. Die Namakwa Sportraad, wat die sportfederasies in die Namakwa-distriksmunisipaliteit verteenwoordig, het ‘n voertuig ontvang om vervoer oor hierdie distrik te vergemaklik. Die voertuig is deur die Kangnas-windkragaanleg befonds ter ondersteuning van die plaaslike sportsoorte in die Nababeep-gemeenskap. “Ons sien die waarde van sport in die Namakwa-gemeenskap omdat
8 March 2022. The Namakwa Sports Council (NSC), which represents the sports federations in the Namakwa District Municipality, received a much needed vehicle to provide transportation across this sporting district. Funded by Kangnas Wind Farm, the donation is in support of the local sports in the Nababeep community. “We see
ABCD Grant applications are closed until further notice.
Please take a moment to listen tp the interview with Mr Dennis Wippenaar ( School principal) about the funding received from Kangnas to start their own food garden and use the vegetables and fruits for the school itself. It was great help, and the garden is well looked after. Mr
15 Februarie 2022. ’n Ondersteuningsveldtog het gehelp om meer as 800 leerders by skole met ’n hoë uitvalrisikokoers in die Nama Khoi Munisipale gebied by te staan. Die program bied ondersteuning aan graad 3 tot graad 12-leerders op ‘n sielkundige, sosiale, emosionele en opvoedkundige vlak. Die Kangnas-windkragaanleg befonds hierdie program
15 February 2022. A support programme designed to assist over 800 learners at schools with high dropout risk rates, within the Nama Khoi Municipal area, is underway. Having kicked off in July 2021, this programme, which will run until March 2022, supports Grades 3 through to Grade 12 learners on
Take a moment to listen to the interview with Mr Monte Engelbrecht ( President of the Namakwa Sport Council),  about what they did with the funding Kangnas gave them and how much it meant. He talks about their sport programs and gives the community the dates of programs still to
January 2022. Listen to the radio interview with Joshall Klaase, Kangnas Wind Farm, and ABCD Grantee, Step Up Foundation.  
18 Januarie 2022. As ‘n begunstigde van die landbouprogram wat ondersteuning aan kleinsakeondernemings in die Nama Khoi-omgewing bied het Arenda Saal, ’n plaaslike lusernboer en voerverskaffer, ’n agt ton vragmotor ontvang. Dit sal haar help om haar onderneming Saclova se opbrengs te verbeter. “Ons doelwit is om terug in ons
18 January 2022. As a beneficiary of an agri-programme, aimed to support and benefit SMME’s in the Nama Khoi area, lucerne grower and fodder supplier, Arenda Saal, Director of Saclova, was pleased to receive an eight-tonne truck that will certainly help push-up output of this micro enterprise. “Our vision is
Applications are open: WHO CAN APPLY * South African citizens. * From Northern Cape towns within Namakwa District: Springbok, Concordia, Nababeep, Carolusberg, Okiep, Bergsig, Matjieskloof and Vaalwater, Fonteintjie. * Studying any full-time degree or diploma in 2021. * Currently enrolled at a public or private accredited institution in South
Goegap Natuurreservaat bied tans werksgeleenthede vir 5 individue as algemene werkers. Om handearbeid met ‘n hoë vlak van verantwoordelikheid en onafhanklikheid uit te voer ten einde ‘n ondersteunende diens te lewer ten opsigte van die bestuur van Goegap Natuurreservaat. Om aansoek te doen, stuur asseblief ‘n afskrif van jou CV
St. Anna Senior Secondary School is one of six schools in the Nama-Khoi area that received ongoing technology and education funding, from Kangnas Wind Farm, as part of its drive to support the uptake of school STEM, otherwise known as Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics. The most recent support will
September 2021. The custom-built EnergyDRIVE truck wrapped up its three week journey with a stop-over in the Northern Cape’s Springbok area. The edu-vehicle, which features a solar roof structure, biogas digester, photovoltaic panel display unit as well as a solar hot water display unit, will provide a fun and impactful
July 2021. School learners across South Africa’s green energy map are getting ready to welcome the EnergyDRIVE, a partnership between the South African Wind Energy Association (SAWEA) and the Durban University of Technology (DUT). Considering that high school learners are the leaders and decisions makers of tomorrow, the programme promotes
Our ED project office in Springbok is open for appointments only. Community members can arrange appointments to see staff via WhatsApp or phone calls. Contact Rouchet on 083 790 0186.
Julie 2021 ’n Span van die Kangnas-windkragaanleg het Huis Harmony vir bejaardes in Bergsig ter viering van Mandeladag besoek om broodnodige persoonlike beskermende toerusting (PBT) af te lewer. “In hierdie pandemie is dit van kardinale belang om met PBT toegerus te wees, veral omdat ons daagliks met kwesbare persone werk.
July 2021. A team from Kangnas Wind Farm, near Springbok, visited Harmony Home in Bergsig to deliver much needed PPE items, amidst the CV-19 third wave, in commemoration of Mandela Day. The support also included the provision of five hot water geysers and computer equipment. “PPE gear is crucial amidst
Asset Based Community Development Funding applications are on hold until further notice. Notices will be placed on the website and Facebook page once applications re-open.
Our ED project office is closed. Re-opening date will be communicated after 16 July 2021. Virtual meetings can be scheduled through Rouchet Daniels on 083 790 0186. No visits to staff houses are permitted.  
June 2021. A collaborative programme in the Nama Khoi area has been launched to provide support to SMMEs in the local agricultural economy, to counteract the impact of basic food items, which directly impacts residents in the area. Beneficiaries of the programme have received funding, business support and equipment to
Junie 2021. ’n Samewerkingsinisiatief in die Nama Khoi-gebied help om die impak van stygende pryse van basiese voedselitems te versag deur ondersteuning aan ondernemings in die plaaslike landbou-ekonomie te bied. Die program stel befondsing, sake-ondersteuning en toerusting aan plaaslike KMMO’s beskikbaar om produksie te bevorder. Die inisiatief volg in reaksie
May 2021. Working in collaboration with the Northern Cape Department of Education, Kangnas Wind Farm has announced it’s funding to providing a CAPS-aligned learner and teacher web-based platform. The programme is being rolled out across ten schools in the Nama-Khoi Municipal area, to provide ‘HeyMath’ resources and support, which will
May 2021. ADVICE FOR CAREGIVERS If you are caring for someone with COVID-19 at home, follow the advice in the booklets below to protect yourself and others. Community Guidance Booklet Caring for someone sick at home Home based care  
Neem ‘n rukkie om ons nuutste nuusbrief te lees; opskrifte sluit in: Webgebasseerde wiskunde-platform Wi-fi by hoerskole Slimborder vir klaskamers Lees hier: Mei Nuusbrief
Our office has reopened at 17 Van Riebeeck Street (behind Standard Bank), Springbok
April 2021. As deel van die Kangnas-windkragaanleg se projek om digitale tegnologie aan skole in die Nama Khoi-gebied beskikbaar te stel sal die windkragaanleg die installering van Wi-Fi netwerke en konnektiwiteit befonds. Die windkragaanleg het onlangs ook elektroniese slimborde aan hierdie skole beskikbaar gestel met die doel om ongelykhede wat
April 2021. In support of digital technology in local Nama Khoi area high schools, Kangnas Wind Farm has announced funding for the Wi-Fi installation and connectivity. This is in line with the recent programme that provided electronic Smart Boards at these same schools and aims to help correct inequalities in
April 2021. Kangnas Wind Farm’s donation of COVID-19 safety and hygiene products to the Northern Cape Rural TVET College, Namaqualand Campus, meant that the institution has been able to teach in a safe environment. The wind farm provided funding for nearly a thousand branded fabric masks in addition to bulk
KANGNAS WIND FARM BURSARY APPLICATIONS ARE OPEN Please read these notes and instructions carefully before completing the form. Be sure to read every section and that the information you provide is accurate. Closing Date:  Sunday, May 2, 2021   Application Forms      
Maart, 2021. Skole in die Namakwa-distrik kan nou met behulp van e-tegnologie die 21ste eeu betree. Ou swartborde is besig om plek te maak vir elektroniese slimborde, wat onderwysers se vaardighede sal aanvul en ’n doeltreffender leeromgewing sal skep, veral in die sogenaamde “STEM”-vakke (Wetenskap, Tegnologie, Ingenieurswese en Wiskunde). Die
March 2021. With the help of e-technology, schools in the Namakwa District are embracing 21st century e-learning, in support of the District Department of Education’s strategy to roll-out digital technology in local high schools. Hence, chalk boards are making way for electronic Smart Boards, bringing improved skills to teachers and
February 2021. Kangnas Wind Farm’s Bursary recipient, Leanne Schmidt, strongly believes that young people should view agriculture as a cornerstone in communities’ well-being and consider it as a career option. She successfully completed her Bachelor Degree: Agricultural Management, passing with distinctions at the end 2020, despite the challenges of COVID,
December 2020 Asset Based Community driven Development (ABCD) Community Engagement Outcomes Read more here
Read our December Newsletters here: Afrikaans English
December 2020. Dignity packs for 800 learners have been funded by Kangnas Wind Farm and distributed, via the Department of Social Development. The focus of this programme was to provide support to vulnerable Grade 7 and Grade 12 learners from Namaqualand High, Springbok Primary, Concordia High, Concordia Primary, SA Van
November 2020. Two years after construction kicked-off, Kangnas Wind Farm has achieved its Commercial Operations Date (COD), making it the first bid window four wind farm, in the Northern Cape, to come on stream as part of government’s Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPPP).   Watch our video
November 2020. Die Kangnas-windkragaanleg het pas met kommersiële bedrywighede begin. Dit maak van dié windkragaanleg die eerste bodfase vier windkragaanleg in die Noord-Kaap om as deel van die regering se program vir die verkryging van onafhanklike vervaardigers van hernubare energie in werking gestel te word. Die windkragaanleg is buite Springbok
15 November 2020. Two years after construction kicked-off, Kangnas Wind Farm has achieved its Commercial Operations Date (COD), making it the first bid window four wind farm, in the Northern Cape, to come on stream as part of government’s Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPPP). Situated outside of
November 2020. Kangnas Wind Farm has completed its Grid Code Tests, the final milestone before achieving its Commercial Operations Date (COD), which is imminent. “This is a very exciting time for our team, being just a step away from celebrating this Northern Cape mega-wind farm’s Commercial Operations Date,” said Manie
Oktober 2020. Die Kangnas-windkragaanleg het persoonlike beskermende toerusting en twee suurstofmasjiene aan die Dr. Van Niekerk-hospitaal in Springbok, geskenk. Die toerusting sal die hospitaal help om COVID-19-pasiënte te behandel en kan selfs ná die pandemie benut word om pasiënte te behandel. “Dokters in Suid-Afrika en regoor die wêreld sien positiewe
October 2020. Kangnas Wind Farm is supporting the Dr Van Niekerk Hospital, in Springbok, through the provision of personal protective equipment (PPE) and two High Flow Oxygen machines, to assist with COVID- 19 relief as well as after the pandemic. “Doctors in South Africa and across the world are seeing
Oktober 2020. Kangnas Wind Farm wil die stigting van die Kangnas Trust vir Hernubare Energiesake finaliseer deur ‘n Raad van Trustees te kies. Belangstellende en kwalifiserende lede van die gemeenskap kan aansoek doen om die rol van Trustee. Navrae en vrae: middagete op Donderdag 22 Oktober 2020 (per e-pos of
October 2020. Kangnas Wind Farm is looking to finalise the establishment of the Kangnas Renewable Energy Community Trust by selecting a Board of Trustees. Interested and qualifying community members can apply for the role of Trustee. Queries and Questions: lunchtime on Thursday 22nd October 2020 (via email or whatsapp) Nomination
September 2020. Die 140MW Kangnas-windkragaanleg, aan die buitewyke van Springbok, het vandeesweek die suksesvolle aanskakeling van sy hooftransformator gevier. “Ons is dankbaar dat die konstruksiespan, wat uit 87 mense bestaan en aan die windkragaanleg, sowel as die Groeipunt-substasie gewerk het, so ywerig gewerk het sodat ons die substasie kon aanskakel.
16 September 2020. The 140MW Kangnas Wind Farm, on the outskirts of Springbok, celebrated the successful energisation of its main transformer this week. The 250MVA transformer is locally manufactured and arrived in the Northern Cape via road from Gauteng last week. Housed at the Groeipunt Transmission substation, the transformer receives
August 2020 During this Women’s Month, Kangnas Wind Farm is shining a light on one of its local woman-owned enterprises that has sprung up to make branded protective masks. Octavia Van den Heever, is one of three local community businesses being supported by the wind farm, to produce masks and
Augustus 2020 Die kollig het tydens Vrouemaand op plaaslike ondernemings wat deur vroue besit word geval. Een van hierdie ondernemings vervaardig maskers om beskerming teen die COVID-19 virussiekte te bied. Octavia van den Heever is een van drie plaaslike entrepeneurs in die gemeenskap wat deur die Kangnas-windkragaanleg ondersteun word. Sy
As South Africa enters Level 3 lockdown, sectors across the country, including wind power construction teams, are facing more stringent health and safety regulations than ever before, due to the very real threat presented by COVID-19 to workers, businesses, and the broader community of people. “Health & Safety plays a
May 2020 Concordia, Okiep, Nababeep, Bergsig, Vaalwater, Matjieskloof, Springbok, Carolusberg en Fontyntjie SMMEs are invited to apply to manufacture non-medical masks for the community. More details and criteria to apply can be found here: Concordia, Okiep, Nababeep, Bergsig, Vaalwater, Matjieskloof, Springbok, Carolusberg en Fontyntjie SMME’s word uitgenooi om aansoek te
May 2020 Veronice Cloete, a local Concordia resident, believes so strongly that she can make a difference in the lives of young children that she has moved heaven and earth to study, so that she can qualify as an Early Childhood Development (ECD) practitioner and start working in her community.
The Kangnas Project Office remains close at this time. Details of the reopening of the office will be communicated in due course. When the office reopens, it will be mandatory for all community members or visitors to the project office to adhere to the attached COVID19 protocol as to complete
South African COVID-19 Resource Portal:
25 March 2020: Community Office Closure – Covid-19 Our offices have been closed, in compliance with South Africa’s national state of disaster in terms of the Disaster Management Act, implemented 15 March 2020. For any enquiries, the Project Officer, Rouchet Daniels can be reached on 078 647 5713 or
March 2020 Kangnas Wind Farm has announced the completion of all 61 wind turbine installations, two weeks ahead of schedule, on 17 March 2020. Furthermore, the project is proud to confirm that the 45-member crew that took on this large-scale lifting programme, are mostly local South African’s from the Northern
March 2020 Following the successful CHANGEMAKER workshops, Kangnas Wind Farm is inviting community heroes back for a second session. Read more here:  Kangnas_Follow up Workshop
Maart 2020 Altesaam 264 leerlinge van Hoërskool Namakwaland het pret gehad toe hulle onlangs meer oor windenergie en ander vorms van hernubare energie geleer het. Dit is deel van die Kangnas-Windkragaanleg se skoleprogram. Die program help om bewustheid te skep en leerlinge aan die basiese beginsels van hernubare energie bekend
MARCH 2020 264 learners from High School Namaqualand had fun learning about wind energy and other renewable energy forms. This is part of Kangnas Wind Farm’s school roadshow. The programme drives awareness and is aimed at exposing learners to the basics of renewable energy. It is reported that the learners
February 2020 Kangnas Wind Farm has announced the completion of the transportation of all 610 turbine components.  The final loads arrived on site on 26th February, having traversed the country from the West Coast of Cape Town. “This massive logistical undertaking saw over 600 loads travel to site covering 650
November 2019 Kangnas Wind Farm commenced the construction on the Groeipunt Transmission Substation in June this year.  This is the first time that an Independent Power Producer in South Africa has taken on the responsibility of a greenfield self-build Transmission substation, which would normally fall to Eskom to build.  Once
Watch the Kangnas Wind Farm construction and community story produced by Kyknet for their KLOP show. It’s a wonderful showcase about how this Northern Cape wind farm is being proudly built by the people of Namakwaland Cick here to view:
November 2019 Die Kangnas-windkragaanleg, wat tans gebou word, het ‘n bewusmakingsveldtog by sekondêre skole van stapel gestuur om leerlinge aan die basiese beginsels van hernubare energie bekend te stel. Die veldtog leer honderde hoërskoolleerlinge oor die opwekking van skoon energie en werksgeleenthede in die hernubare energie bedryf. Die doelwitte van
November 2019 Kangnas Wind Farm, which is currently under construction, has launched a secondary school awareness programme, aimed at exposing learners to the basics of renewable energy. The programme targets hundreds of high school learners to not only provide information about producing clean power, but also to let the youth
OCTOBER 2019 The Disaster Management Centre of West Coast District Municipality has confirmed that the recovery of turbine components, from the Piekenierskloof Pass, will take place over a 4-day period, 4th – 7th November 2019. A ‘Stop and Go’ system will be put in place on the Piekenierskloof Pass, with
October 2019 Meer as 45% van die 610 windturbine-komponente wat vir die Kangnas-windkragaanleg bestem is, is reeds by die bouperseel buite Springbok afgelewer. Die komponente is vanaf die hawe by Saldanha en Atlantis in die Weskus na Springbok vervoer. Die eerste toring-gedeelte is in Mei vanjaar vanaf Atlantis vervoer. Die
October 2019 More than 45% of the 610 wind turbine components have already been delivered to Kangnas Wind Farm’s construction site, just outside of Springbok, from the West Coast’s Port of Saldanha and Atlantis. The first tower sections departed from Atlantis, West Coast of Cape Town in May this year,
September 2019 BIMBO Early Childhood Development Centre in Okiep received support from Kangnas Wind Farm. This included the provision of educational toys, learning material and tables and chairs. Kangnas Wind Farm believes that this will improve the learning environment for these young minds. The centre cares for 70 children and
August 2019 The 140MW Kangnas Wind Farm, which is currently under construction, will be one of South Africa’s largest wind farms when complete. Situated in the Northern Cape, in the North West corner of South Africa, the terrain is typical of the Springbok Flats Karoo Basin, with a rocky underlay
August 2019 Die Kangnas-windkragaanleg sal wanneer dit voltooi is ’n opwekkingskapsiteit van 140 MW hê en een van Suid-Afrika se grootste windkragaanlegte wees. Die windkragaanleg is in die Noord-Kaap, in die noordwestelike hoek van Suid-Afrika, geleë. Die terrein rondom die windkragaanleg is tipies van die Springbok-vlakte en die Karoo-vanggebied. Die
July 2019 Working together with local Ward Councillors and community members, Kangnas Wind Farm’s team celebrated Mandela Day by hosting soup kitchens across six communities. These soup kitchens were an example of how collaboration in the spirit of Madeba, can benefit many. Community members from Nababeep, Springbok, Concordia, Matjieskloof, Bergsig,
July 2019 Kangnas Wind Farm is celebrating the simultaneous completion of two major construction milestones, namely the erection of the first of its 61 wind turbines and the completion of its final turbine foundation. Both of these milestones have been completed slightly ahead of schedule and within budget. The first
July 2019 Northern Cape farmers, who have been adversely affected by the ongoing regional drought, have received funding from by the neighbouring Springbok wind farm, Kangnas Wind Farm. The wind farm has provided drought relief assistance to sheep and cattle farmers, who are failing to feed their herds, following the
June 2019 Kangnas Wind Farm has provided support to the Concordia Old Age Centre in Springbok, to help establish a dedicated reading area for its elderly citizens. The team working on Kangnas Wind Farm, one of the country’s newest Northern Cape wind farms currently under construction, have taken up this
May 2019 Transportation of both Kangnas Wind Farm and Perdekraal East Wind Farm’s turbine tower sections have commenced, making their way from the West Coast’s Port of Saldanha and Atlantis. These two giant projects will be connected to the country’s national grid by August 2020, forming part of the government’s
March 2019. Wind turbine tower sections for the 140MW Kangnas Wind Farm, one of the Renewable Energy Industry Power Producer Procurement Programmes (REI4Ps) giant Bid Window 4 projects, are being manufactured locally, on Cape Town’s West Coast, in Atlantis. This signals the recovery of the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) for
January 2019. Kangnas Wind Farm announced the successful completion of its first foundation, which boasts a massive carbon footprint saving. Kangnas Wind Farm poured the first of its foundations on 23 November 2018, followed by a 28-day strength test to ensure that the foundations achieved the required design strengths. The
November 2018 Wind energy does not require water for its generation, however, it does need a moderate amount during the construction phase. Despite it being a relatively negligible amount, the conservation of this rare resource, especially as Kangnas Wind Farm is situated within Namaqualand, is managed by the onsite Environmental
September 2018. The 140MW Kangnas Wind Farm, one of the REI4P’s giant Bid Window 4 projects, is gearing up for construction, having already cleared 95% of its site roads, totalling over 52km’s. Situated in the North West corner of South Africa, the terrain is typical of the Springbok Flats Karoo
August 2018. Kangnas Wind Farm has committed to supporting the FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology’s Red Lark research by funding a PhD study on this species. Kangnas Wind Farm and the Fitzpatrick Institute of African Ornithology, are working in partnership to gather data related to the Red Lark species current
June 2018. Circa 6.6 billion Rand investment with construction of wind farm due to start in June 2018 Global wind and solar company Mainstream Renewable Power today announces the successful completion of financial close for two wind farms in South Africa with a combined capacity of 250 megawatts (MW). A